Briteq LD-1024 DIN DMX Interface

102ch/4MB, DIN rail, Chromateq software

Product nr: 1152757
6 100,-
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1024 Channel DMX interface that can be easily mounted on a DIN Rail

1024 output channels when used with a computer
1024 output channels when used standalone without computer
Chromateq Led Player and Chromateq Pro DMX software (limited mode, 100 ch.) included
Windows, MAC Os X (10.6 and +) and Linux (64) compatible
Perfect for fixed installations: all the programs can be created via computer and stored into the interface. Once this is done, you can activate your programs via external switches or via the optional Infra-Red remote controller set.
Functions and control in standalone mode:
Automatic Real Time Clock triggering for different scenes (day, week, month, year)
15 contact triggers to 5V (On, On/Off, Release or Restart scenes)
Splitter mode 2x512 out
DMX in triggers in Stand Alone
DMX merging signal in Stand Alone (in/out mode)
16 bits and fine channel management
Cross Fade time between scenes
4 Mb of internal memory (min. capacity: 6,000 steps/512 ch)
An optional external infra-red receiver can be connected to the unit (LD-512Kit-IR = IR receiver + 2 remote controllers)
Master/Slave mode to interconnect and synchronize up to 32 interfaces in Stand Alone (32768 dmx channels without pc use)
Mini USB 2.0 (Input - 5V. DC)
DC Power input of 9 to 36V.
DIN-RAIL housing (All DIN cabinet compatible (Easy install)
Screw terminals for all external connections (Easy connect)
Automatic Scene Recovery if the power is accidently cut off
For more information about the software: